
Gray and Black Akara Smart Wall Switch H1 Switches

Aqara Smart Wall Switch H1 color switches have appeared in our online store. You no longer need to think about how to fit white switches into the interior, or look for third–party companies for painting – we did it for you.

The switches are exclusive and painted in Russia. We tested different companies and types of paint, and then carefully studied the samples obtained. In some versions, the paint lay unevenly, in others – the switch lost its design features.

In the presented version, a special paint is used. It is applied in one layer on all parts of the switch. Retains a matte surface, easy keystroke and pleasant tactile sensations.

Be careful: do not use abrasive cleaners with such a coating. This is household chemicals for removing stubborn stains.

For designers – an expanded color palette

Upon request, we provide an extended color scheme for professionals in the field of design and repair. You can choose the color and number of switches – and we will order the painting according to your order. This function is possible thanks to the new direction of Aqara in Russia – the partner program – Aqara Pro.

Switches in three colors are already available in our online store. We remind you that when ordering from 5000 rubles, free shipping is available throughout Russia.